Wind Loaded Slope with multiple weak layers
Rode up from Red Rock road to the backside of Two Top during an AIARE 1 course to evaluate snowpack. At point +044.622746 deg / - 111.247437 deg facing N82E at 8180 ft elevation on a 20 deg slope angle we found a wind loaded slope with 118 cm deep.
Hand hardness
0 - 15 cm - Fist
15-38 cm - 1 finger with rounds at .5 mm
38-40 cm - pencil melt freeze layer
40 - 50 cm - 4 finger with an ETCP - 23 was observed breaking at this layer in the snowpack
50 - 79 cm - 1 finger with rounds at .5 mm
79-80 cm - Pencil melt freeze later
80-94 cm - 4 finger a CTM - SC was observed at this layer
94 - 118 cm - 1 finger with deep facets and visible surface hoar