
Displaying page 2 of photos 21 - 40 of 826
Bridger Range, 2024-05-08

A skier near the top of the Alpine Lift at Bridger Bowl ski area took a photo of three avalanche crowns near Peter’s Point. Photo: P Hinz

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Northern Madison, 2024-05-08

A skier triggered an avalanche on a test slope in Beehive Basin, breaking 12-16" deep and 75' across. The slide failed within the new snow. 

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Cooke City, 2024-05-05

On 5/4/24 Skiers triggered large wet loose slides on the Fin near Cooke City

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Bridger Range, 2024-05-03

From email 5/2/24: "Triggered in the virtues this evening. 40' wide, 4-12" deep, failed as a dense, wind-packed slab on the rain/sun/heat crust underneath the most recent snow.  I had marginal visibility but it looked like there were similar small-ish wind pockets that had failed in a few spots. Good skiing up high, fun first day up there."

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Cooke City, 2024-05-02

From obs 5/2/24: "Wind load on old crust, probably from Wednesday."

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Cooke City, 2024-05-01

From email 5/1/24: "Hi crew. I triggered a soft slab avalanche on the North side of Sheep Mountain today. D1.5 200’ wide ran 200’.  Crown was 6-12’’ deep. I was able to ride out of it and anchor in a safe spot. 

It broke on our 7th lap and we had seen no signs of instability prior to the avalanche but wind loading was occurring and obvious. The avalanche broke and on a dirty crust that formed during a rain event last week."

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Cooke City, 2024-04-29

Photos of what appears like a wet slab possibly from Friday (4/26) when the precip. started after the first night or two of poor freeze (Henderson Bench). Photo GNFAC

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Cooke City, 2024-04-29

Photos of what appear like wet slabs possibly from Friday (4/26) when the precip. started after the first night or two of poor freeze (North side of Republic near Cooke City). Photo GNFAC

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Out of Advisory Area, 2024-04-28

"We toured to Elephanthead Mountain today (4/27/24). Most of the couloirs emptying into Mission Creek (e.g. Das Ist Ice, Pitchfork Couloirs) showed signs of recent, large scale wet slides. Higher on the mountain, we observed fairly recent avalanche debris and crowns of 4-5 feet. On our descent of Mission Creek, we crossed large, wet slide debris fields that buried our earlier skin track (see pic). Our decision was to stick to low angle terrain and to steer clear of runout zones of any couloirs." Photo: T. Kalakay 

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Cooke City, 2024-04-26

On 4/26/24 large natural wet slabs were seen running on Wall Mountain near Silver Gate. An observer from Beartooth Powder Guides sent us a video of them happening at 3pm while it was 43 degrees F. I also noted a similar large crown on the north side of Republic Mtn. that probably also happened this afternoon. Photo: GNFAC

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Cooke City, 2024-04-26

On 4/26/24 large natural wet slabs were seen running on Wall Mountain near Silver Gate. An observer from Beartooth Powder Guides sent us a video of them happening at 3pm while it was 43 degrees F. I also noted a similar large crown on the north side of Republic Mtn. that probably also happened this afternoon. Photo: GNFAC

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Cooke City, 2024-04-26

On 4/26/24 large natural wet slabs were seen running on Wall Mountain near Silver Gate. An observer from Beartooth Powder Guides sent us a video of them happening at 3pm while it was 43 degrees F. I also noted a similar large crown on the north side of Republic Mtn. that probably also happened this afternoon.

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Cooke City, 2024-04-26

On 4/26/24 large natural wet slabs were seen running on Wall Mountain near Silver Gate. An observer from Beartooth Powder Guides sent us a video of them happening at 3pm while it was 43 degrees F. I also noted a similar large crown on the north side of Republic Mtn. that probably also happened this afternoon. Photo: GNFAC

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Cooke City, 2024-04-26

From IG on 04/26/2024 Photo: Beartooth Powder Guides

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Bridger Range, 2024-04-26

From obs 4/25/24: "Came across a relatively large wet avalanche when approaching Texas meadows from Bradley’s meadows. Elevation around 7600ft, aspect, SSE. Depth: to ground. Considering the new snow on top of the debris, I’m guessing this slid prior to the storm last week. The slide path was melted out to dirt. Out of curiosity, we dug just to the lookers right of the slide and found soft snow near the ground - still evidence of crystal structure but could make a snowball if squeezed. Best guess is that a point release wet slide entrained enough snow to step down and release the whole face." Photo: A. Kautzer

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Bridger Range, 2024-04-26

From obs 4/25/24: "Came across a relatively large wet avalanche when approaching Texas meadows from Bradley’s meadows. Elevation around 7600ft, aspect, SSE. Depth: to ground. Considering the new snow on top of the debris, I’m guessing this slid prior to the storm last week. The slide path was melted out to dirt. Out of curiosity, we dug just to the lookers right of the slide and found soft snow near the ground - still evidence of crystal structure but could make a snowball if squeezed. Best guess is that a point release wet slide entrained enough snow to step down and release the whole face." Photo: A. Kautzer

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Cooke City, 2024-04-19

A skier triggered this sluff in a steep chute east of Republic Mountain. Photo: B

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Cooke City, 2024-04-19

Skiers triggered a small sluff in steep terrain while skiing on the Fin near Republic Mountain. Photo: B. 

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Out of Advisory Area, 2024-04-18

Skiers in the Western Tobacco Roots saw widespread sluffing involving recent storm snow. The skiers triggered one small avalanche that broke 4-6" deep and 30' wide on a wind-loaded slope, D1. Photo: W. Hubbard 



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Northern Gallatin, 2024-04-18

From IG message 4/17/24: "Remote trigger up little bear today. Went to the groundish."

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